Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Tatum Sherman Explains Sole Proprietorship

Tatum Sherman is the owner of Resource Referral, a staffing firm in New Jersey that has helped thousands of professionals find work that meets their skillsets. Part of Tatum Sherman’s success is due to her thorough knowledge of business, including law, and financing. Business is a complicated discipline of study with many different subjects. Ownership of a business for instance, has four different classifications, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and cooperative.

Sole proprietorship is a form of ownership of a business. It is the simplest form of business ownership. A sole proprietorship means that a business is owned and ran by a single person. Therefore, the business and the person have no legal distinction. That means that the owner is accountable directly for all of the legal and financial obligations of the business, including debt, loans, law suits, and more.

The advantage of a sole proprietorship is that the owner receives all profits the business generates, apart from taxes. The downside to this is that the owner is also completely responsible for any financial or legal issues that may arise.

It is also worth noting that a sole proprietorship classification does allow the business owner to hire employees. However, under sole proprietorship, the owner is fully responsible for any actions employees take in the service of the business. As a plus, a sole proprietorship is not subject to additional business taxation, as owner and business are considered one entity.

Part of the reason that Tatum Sherman has been so successful as an entrepreneur is her knowledge of business, the legal and financial side.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Tatum Sherman - How to Be More Employable

At Resource Referral, a staffing firm in New Jersey, Tatum Sherman helps link professionals with jobs suited to their skills. Obtaining employment can be a difficult proposition. There is a lot of competition in the job market, and sometimes it can feel difficult to stand out. Thankfully, there are a few methods that can make a professional more desirable to employers, a few of which are listed here:
  • Social Aptitude: Being comfortable talking to people is not just good for your social life, but for your career as well. Whether you are interviewing, talking to management, or sitting around a work water cooler, interacting with people is necessary for nearly every job. If you can make people feel comfortable and at ease, an employer will recognize and value that.
  • Salesmanship: No matter what line of business you are in; chances are you are selling something. Salesmanship is a difficult skill to master, which is why so many employers value it. The skill is universal as well. No matter how big a business is, it is likely that they need talented salespeople pushing a service or product.
  • Coding: Computer coding is probably one of the most challenging jobs out there, it is also a necessary part of almost every business. Coding is a rare skill. If you can code websites or write computer code, you are likely to be a hiring commodity for a long time.
Tatum Sherman helps job seekers develop and define their skill sets to make them more employable, and ultimately land the right job.

Visit: http://tatumsherman.weebly.com/

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Tatum Sherman Explores Long-Term Unemployment

As the owner of Resource Referral, a reputable staffing firm, Tatum Sherman has been battling the unemployment rate ever since her business opened. Unemployment is a societal issue that is dealt with in both the private, and the public sector. Unemployment is a complex issue that is examined by many economists, and has a multitude of different sub-sectors. One form of unemployment that is studied closely is known as “long-term unemployment”.

Long-term unemployment is defined as a person or persons being unemployed for 27 weeks or more. Long-term unemployment is experienced in every industry, occupation, and at all levels of education. While everyone is likely to be unemployed at one point or another in their professional career, long-term unemployment is a serious issue, as it can cause substantial damage to the economy, and a professional reputation.

Long-term unemployment is a self-perpetuating problem, meaning the longer a person is unemployed, the more likely they will not be able to seek new employment. This is especially true for low and medium skill jobs, as employment history gaps play a big role in the hiring process. High skill jobs are less likely to be subject to this phenomenon because employers of high skill workers usually only factor in skill level and experience. For the majority however, long-term unemployment remains a serious issue that still needs to be addressed.

Tatum Sherman has been helping to fight back against unemployment rates. Her company Resource Referral has helped link thousands of professionals to companies in need of their skills.